Saturday, August 11, 2007

McDonald's idiocy

They offered to pay for half his medical bill? How stupid can they get?

They may not have been inclined to sue before that ridiculous offer (although I'm sure that was their first impulse), but that certainly would have pushed them over the edge.

Offering to pay half. Idiots.
clipped from
A Morgantown man, his mother and his friend are suing McDonald's for $10 million.

The man says he bit into a hamburger and had a severe allergic reaction to the cheese melted on it.

 blog it

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Unsung Victims of the War on CO2

Join us in remembering the 100,000th silent victim of the Global War on Carbon Dioxide. Today, a young spruce in the Western Himalayas became the 100,000th tree to die of suffocation from falling levels of CO2 due to the hysterical rush to cut emissions of this vital gas.

Please pledge to do your part to put an end to this horrible vege-holocaust!