Monday, July 24, 2006

Betty Williams, an Inspiration to Idiots Everywhere

Yes, even if you're a violent-tendency nutcake, you too could win a Nobel Prize:

NOBEL peace laureate Betty Williams displayed a flash of her feisty Irish [I think "Idiot" was meant? - Ed.] spirit yesterday, lashing out at US President George W.Bush during a speech to hundreds of schoolchildren.

Campaigning on the rights of young people at the Earth Dialogues forum, being held in Brisbane, Ms Williams spoke passionately about the deaths of innocent children during wartime, particularly in the Middle East, and lambasted Mr Bush.

"I have a very hard time with this word 'non-violence', because I don't believe that I am non-violent," said Ms Williams, 64.

"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." Her young audience at the Brisbane City Hall clapped and cheered.

Note how clueless she is about how Saddam kept medical supplies and food from his people, not to mention the UN-led scheme to profit from their misery. So, yes, you too can win the Nobel Prize, as long as you're full of clueless hate but can get a petition signed. And get this:

"There can be no sustainable peace while military spending takes precedence over human development."
Well, I suppose there's peace - sort of - when all us infidels have been suicide-bombed to smithereens, but I'm not sure there'll be any "human development."

Happily for her, though, there'll be plenty of "idiot development."

Doesn't speak well for her young audience either ... clapping at such a demented statement.

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