Saturday, July 22, 2006

A Hard Truth?

We've all been wincing at the civilian casualties in Lebanon. It seems nasty of Israel to be willing to risk civilian casualties.

Even though they've been warned to evacuate Hezbollah strongholds.

But is this a case of reaping what they sow? I know it sounds harsh, but they did elect Hezbollah to their goverment, knowing that they're cowardly, deluded, civilian-bombing, conscienceless piggies bent on destroying Israel. I mean, isn't what's happening to them exactly the same thing they tacitly approved of, except they're given advance notice? They obviously approve of the concept of explosions in civilian areas; they just don't like it when it happens to them.

Of course, not every casualty voted for Hezpiggy, you say. But what unjustified violence did the Israeli casualties ever vote for?

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