Saturday, July 22, 2006

No More Mr. Nice IDer, Please

Dear IDers,

As someone with a longtime interest in ID, it seems to me that ID is always too much on the defensive. Ironically, since ID is scientific to the core and Darwinism is metaphysical naturalism with some assorted science-like talk tacked on, you should bring a lawsuit against the teaching of the religion of Darwinism in schools. So IDers should call for a "Return to Science" - to real science, not evolutionary fairy tales. There's a reason they don't want any debate to be allowed; Darwinism should be laughed out of court.

It's child's play to show
  • how after one Darwinistic prediction after another has failed, Darwinists (not "scientists") still consider it unfalsified; ( has a great running review of how this keeps happening - not that you need the help)
  • how Darwinism is unfalsifiable;
  • how Darwinists "win" arguments by dubious tactics, including censorship and harrassment;
  • how some atheists (Berlinski, Stove, Flew, etc.) have come to agree that Darwinism is not scientific (and how some even accept ID in a nonreligious context);
  • and so on.
We need to get people talking about Darwinism's religious undertones. It's time to expose Darwinism for what it really is.

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